27th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling
IWSM'27 • July 16–20, 2012 • Prague, Czech Republic
Traditionally, three social events make an integral part of the IWSM. These are:
the welcome reception,
the conference excursion,
and the conference dinner.
Welcome reception (July 16)
The welcome reception will be offered to all registered participants in a recently reconstructed refectory of the historic building
of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University with splendid paintings
in the late Baroque style. The building is located at the Lesser Town Square (Malostranské náměstí),
no more than 5 minutes walk from the main touristic attractions like the Prague Castle or the Charles Bridge.
Conference excursion to Karlštejn castle and its surroundings (July 18)
There will be two options for the conference excursion with common starting and final points.
For both options, we gather on Wednesday July 18 early afternoon in front of the conference venue
and will be transfered by coaches to the Karlštejn castle located approx.
35 km south-west from the conference venue.
Karlštejn is a castle founded in the 14th century by the emperor Charles IV and nowadays it belongs
to the the list of touristic must-to-see items in the Czech Republic.
More on the history of the castle can be found here.
The participants split here and follow either of the two options:
- Guided tour to the castle (with English speaking professional guide).
After the visit to the castle, the participants will be transfered by coaches
to one of the neighboring villages where they join the second group for a dinner.
There will be also some time for short walks either in the castle
surrounding or in the surrounding of the village where the dinner will be served.
- Those who prefer walking through forests and meadows to walking through castle chambers
can join one of the non-professional guides (statisticians from profession) and take a middle distance
walk through the beautiful forests with rocks and old quarries heading to the village where
a dinner will be served. No special equipment (except reasonable walking shoes) will be needed
for the proposed walk. Few options of different length will be offered to satisfy requirements
of the whole range of ages and also different physical conditions.
Conference dinner (July 19)
The conference dinner will be served in a
Restaurant and Beerhouse Vojanův dvůr
located again (like the place of our welcome reception) no more than 5 minutes walk from the main touristic attractions
(the Prague Castle or the Charles Bridge). Next to an excellent food, a tapped Czech bier and a selection
of Moravian wines will be offered.